July 25, 2011

Day 1,339, 10:31 Published in Canada Canada by Xichael

For some of you this day will hold some importance. It is congress elections, something that has been speculated as perhaps being non-existent this term. Well existent or not, i'm running.

If you will lend me you're support I will work diligently to improve our country and help rebuild us as we rise from the ashes.

My experience includes:
- 3 Congress Terms
- Chairman of the Ambassador Corps (Present)
- Alliance Liason (Present)
- Colonel and Air Force Commander, CAF High Command (Present)
- Minister of Foreign Affairs (June 2011, Muglack not Rolo 😛)
- Probably a few other things I can't recall

As you can see, my experience lies primarily in foreign affairs, with a nice seriving of military on the side. If elected I would plan on being an active member focusing on our relations to EDEN/Terra and continue securing their support for us and our support for them. They are essential to help us maintain Canada on the map just as they enjoy our support in their globe-spanning conflicts.

In closing, I hope you will consider lending me your vote on the 25th (assuming we have a congress, i'm going to say it is very likely we will). I don't know where I will be running as I am not sure what regions we will have but likely Newfoundland and Labrador.

Thank you for your consideration,
Xichael (Michael Ryan)