Join the Army! Win a House!

Day 919, 04:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy">">

The eUK's military, after undergoing several reforms has manifested itself as The Army & SAS. The Army is for all manner of people, no matter what strength or rank. However the SAS is exclusively for the stronger people in the eUK, and so are given better guns.

How do I join?

Enlisting is easy. All you need to do is find your way onto IRC, which you can access from here. Once there, if you type:

/j #army.public

You will be taken to the Army's public channel. At that point all you have to do is ask an operator there, to help sign you up. You will be asked to work for us in an Army company, and each day will recieve supplies with which to fight, and help our allies. All free of charge.

If you're unsure about how eRepublik works, or the goings on of the eUK there are officers manning to help you out with every aspect of the game. Participating in the army is really the best way to get involved with the eUK's community, and is also the best way to get to grips with the game.

We operate in five branches, in preparation for V2. Those being, Infantry, Tanks, Helicopters (chopters) Artillery and the SAS. Each division has a General Officer Commanding who leads their respective branch.

But if FREE GUNS! great community and regular supplied fighting to increase rank and help our allies isn't enough to tempt you over, what more can we do?



That's right. Thanks to the donations of various members of the Army, we are able to give away Free houses to several lucky new recruits over the next few weeks.

From now until further notice, all new recruits will be entered into a raffle. For every 15 recruits that remain active on the armies IRC channels (for at least a week), 3 will be randomly selected to win a house. One lucky so and so will recieve a Q3, one a Q2 and one a Q1. Once you have reached the private channels of the army, just speak to me (Woldy) so I can register you on the raffle doc and monitor your activity. It's so simple. All you have to do to have a one in five chance to win a house is enrole in the army, and participate in our fantastic community.

Why miss out on the best of the eUK?
Why miss out on Free guns, and now houses?

Enlist today, and make your momma proud!


Mr Woldy.

Awaiting your company, and your questions.