IX: More Congressionally Cool Stuff

Day 1,039, 08:19 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Greetings again, my fellow Americans and members of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Today I will be outlining some of the economic and social plans I have in the works for your great state, should I be elected as your Congressman.

Let’s be blunt: you don’t want just a bunch of ideological bullshit out of this whole experience. You want a fun game. I’m here to give you a way to that.

Admin has ripped us off time and again for our money, and that is just not right. When was the last time anyone actually one the fabled King’s Treasure? I say, down with the tyrant and up with mullah. I will be taking gold out of my personal funds to start up a State Lottery. The exact details of how this will work are still being sorted through, but the majority of the money that can be won will come directly from me. With some help and interest, we can make this a good investment for our citizens in Virginia.

Wanna see it more closely?

We need more fun in this game, and that can only be done with a community. Competitions, highlighting citizens who are really cool guys, and just generally getting to know one another can not only help improve your interest in the game, but also our effectiveness in it. A bad-ass community equals a badass game. It’s simple math really.

Aforementioned bad-ass community.

What better way to get that bad-ass community started than with a state forum? That's right: state forum. We have party forums, we have governmental forums, even militia and some work forums. By why no state forums? I plan to change that, and with you, dear Virginia, I hope to make that change work. Myself along with some friends and volunteers from Virginia will help to set this up. And trust me, I cannot do this by myself. I need you, Virginia.

As part of the upkeep for that community, we need to look at some reform for the way that we handle immigration and possible multi accounts. I plan to help other members to restructure, on a state to state level, the way we look at and identify these potential threats to American security.
The potential for new possibilities that you can be involved with is what I want. New ways to make America great, not just for Virginia, but for everyone. We need recruitment competitions, papers, and exemplar Virginians. And I plan to give that. But I need your help.

If you have any questions about what I have discussed, please feel free to contact me. If you need a ticket to get to Virginia in order to vote for me that can also be provided.

Come Election Day, I hope you choose me as your Congressman for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Either way, stay frosty Virginia.

United We Stand Party Endorsement
New Republic of America Party Endorsement
S.P.Q.R. Party Endorsement