It's Time to Get Involved, Vote Appleman!

Day 575, 07:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by AppleMan

It's time to get involved, Vote Appleman!

I am running for Congress to represent the citizens of Dublin. Please review my policies and decide for yourself:

Ireland needs to get more involved internationally and continue War Games with the eUSA! This business of isolating ourselves from the rest of the world and only using the War Module for practice is not a healthy long term solution. Our citizens must grow strong and fight for Freedom around the globe if Ireland itself is to remain free and prosper. With powerful but peaceful neighbors Ireland is well situated to act as a launch point for Anti-Imperialism abroad. We are a small country but with organization and strategy we can make an impact on the world!

If eIreland if to remain free we in the government must make every effort to stimulate recruiting to the game. Higher citizen fees (or at least average!), government subsidy of recruiting, support of our new citizens and good retention practices are a must, especially War Games! I am a big fan of rectuiting (see:

Our war games put us in a complicated position with In-game Alliances but there are many ways Ireland can support its allies abroad. Properly placed MPPs, effective use of the IDF and organized voter TO resistance are valuable tools we can use to fight for FREEDOM!

Low taxes stimulate the economy. eIreland's economy needs all the stimulation it can get, without our money going to foreign companies. Ireland has good companies and should continue to import the resources we do not have (until they are adjusted by the Admins). What we import should be from companies in allied countries. The State companies play a valuable role for our new citizens and should continue to operate.

I thank you in advance for your vote.

Thank you!
