Is Socialism all that its cracked up to be

Day 2,649, 19:07 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken
Socialism is a social and economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy,[1][2] as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

Will a person with a privileged background when he is earning a decent salary and building up his estate really share the means with others or want to share.

Contrasting would a person growing up poor want to life in a system where everything is split and he just get enough to life.

You all say a lot of socialism but i doubt any of you will actually really ever support it as a system for your own countries. Yes you will say give more of my tax money to the poor and the homeless. But who amongst you will say here is the money from the sale of my house give it to the homeless. I with my higher means will rent a property. You all claim to be socialist but bar the few students life the lives of rich capitalist (mostly)

i like most "africans" would when I make it prefer KASH and not socialism which mostly rich socialist folks preach. dont get me wrong south africa s probably one of the most socialist country if you stand still on any given corner you will be rewarded with some kind of pensions. but i truly belief a person that really suffered wants a better life for him and his family and not some socialist utopia where he and his fellow man just get enough to survive. Or when he is old have to rely on some measly government pension to survive.

Socialism breeds mediocrity ever heard about the rich russian with his innovative chain of coffee shops in the cold war era. No because he didnt exist. because communism subdued all capitalist ventures except if you were part of the social elite(wink wink)

Compare Russia with the USA and then with your starbucks coffee before you lie to me and say socialism won.

Yes give to the poor and have social programs but stop pretending that you will ever life in a system " characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy".