Invest your Donation

Day 3,009, 22:46 Published in Australia Australia by kslee
Hello Australia

Let’s start do build Business to make Australia great
Let’s our currency do big
Make invest into my companies help me like helping your country make great
Donate AUD or Gold

the two way's how to be good invest

The Safe Way

Just like how the fast lane and the slow lane on the freeway eventually lead to the same place, there are both quick and slow ways to double your money. So for those investors who are afraid of wrapping their portfolio around a telephone pole, bonds may provide a significantly less precarious journey to the same destination.

The Speculative Way

While slow and steady might work for some investors, others may find themselves falling asleep at the wheel. They crave more excitement in their portfolios and are willing to take bigger risks to earn bigger payoffs. For these folks, the fastest ways to super-size the nest egg may be the use of options,margin or penny stocks.
Stock options, such as simple puts and calls, can be used to speculate on any company's stock. For many investors, especially those who have their finger on the pulse of a specific industry, options can turbo-charge their portfolio's performance. Considering that each stock option potentially represents 100 shares of stock, a company's price might only need to increase a small percentage for an investor to hit one out of the park. Be careful and be sure to do your homework; options can take away wealth just as quickly as they create it.

so invest now .donate me AUD or Gold
i'm just waiting 🙂