Interview with Cody Caine

Day 1,462, 10:38 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,462 of the new world
November 21 2011
Current Subscribers to Paper: 127
Goal by End of November: 140
Current Top Priority Battle in the eUS. Click Fight!
Article Features
eUS Invasion/Other National Things
Interview with Cody Caine
People Aren't Who we Thought They Were
eUS and Invasion From my View
Eh, I'm not worried. Who is? We've faced this before and we'll get past it as always. We can only hope and fight that we may have 5 states come election day. It seems as if everyone is predicting a wipe. I think otherwise. We'll get down to one state, and then everyone will rally and fight and clog the shouts until we win that final mini battle. Resistance wars will spring up and everyone will start feeling patriotic again, as always.

This invasion raises some questions in the public. Could this have been prevented had Leroy Combs been President? Probably not, but it'll make a good campaign for Leroy the next time he tries. I mean no disrespect to GoalieBCSC, but I had no clue who he was before the elections, whereas Leroy was a well known and respected figure in the country. It seems that like whoever the USWP runs will win, which is unfortunate because there are many other deserving candidates in this country.

I think the trend will end soon, though. People are probably curious as to what the AMP has to offer. There are many high quality players in that party that just don't get the chance they deserve. Unfortunately for the eUS, it is impossible for a Federalist or a Libertarian to become President. Sure Proteus and Gnilraps are very respected, but they're not from a top two party. The chances of them getting support from one are slim as well.

I believe the system is flawed, but what can I do? All I'm asking is for the reader to really think about who they're voting for when they vote. Don't let someone buy your vote, and don't just vote like it's a popularity contest. Things could change if you let them.
Interview With a Friend, Cody Caine
Do you plan on continuing your role on the JMS?

As long as I am wanted as a co host I will serve as a co host.

How has your stay in eAustralia been so far?

Over all it has been a mostly enjoyable stay down under, apart from a dispute with another player things have gone well, added some new efriends, won a battle hero medal, and wrote my best article so far, and another one I enjoy yesterday.

Would you like to serve any higher positions overseas?
Naturally I would like to serve for it is ones duty to do his best for whatever nation he represents, so If I had the chance I would serve in congress, if I had the chance I would serve as prime minister.

How do you think lancer450 has done this month?

I think Lancer has done a good job, it may not appear that way to some, but given the nature of the situation he is doing the best he can to get the country back on its feet, but no one player can reverse the fortune of a nation.

When do you plan on coming back?

I will most likely return when the time is right, which depends how I feel personally, depends on my situation down here in eAustralia, but I will be back eventually to rejoin the Revolutionary Party, and take my house back from portcolumbus.

When you come back do you plan on running for Congress right away?

When I return I would like to run for congress in time, depending on the situation of the country, and the party situation, but I will run for congress again at some point in the eUSA after my return.

What are your thoughts on your latest article? Do you think you have successfully defeated writer's block?

To be quite honest I think I kicked writers block into a pit of defeat in my usual fashion of excitement, and I personally rather like my latest article, it may not reach the top article ranking, but it is one of my favorites.

You recently switched parties, what do you have to say about that?

After the dispute in which I still will not discuss in detail for it is not even worth discussing, I decided to join the Australian Independent Party to set myself up to be able to run for Australian senate, if I stay or not is not yet known, but I am strongly considering joining the Australian Parliamentary Party after congressional elections, but nothing is set in stone.

How well do you think the Revolutionary brand has progressed since you've left?

I do enjoy that you brought attention to the theme as Brand, to me it was a theme, but I think the way it is spreading it is rather a brand name to an extent, since several members have Revolutionary Based Citizen avatars, something I enjoy making and am glad that members want them. As for progress as I mentioned in my latest article, I am very pleased with how things are
going while I am down under.

Have Molly Jo and Sora Storm bonded yet?

They bonded a bit I think

Do you have any big plans for your paper or radio?

I am continuing to develop my paper to a standard that I can be happy with, yesterday I added a section suggesting other articles for my readers to read, things like that will be some of the improvements I want for my paper, and perhaps a new banner in due time. As for the Radio show, it will continue on its schedule of Saturday nights, and congressional election nights.

For people who don't know, what is the movement?

The movement was planned after my first crushing congressional defeat in an effort to allow people of all parties and all areas of this game a chance to be heard, a change to have their concerns addressed, to take these concerns to the political leaders or the political machine and demand they be acknowledged.

Would you like to revive the movement?

Well when I came up with the idea, not to many people seemed all that interested so it got pushed aside as sort of an afterthought, but if people were interested it would be good to see it gather some momentum.

Is there anything you feel I left out or something you'd like to say to my readers?

I feel at times people question my motives, and I don’t think they should, the things that I do, are not for me, I really prefer to put others interests before my own, and sure I do have my own personal goals, but at times I have in fact put those aside, some might remember in October I planned to get my Merc medal, but that got put on hold when the Military Units changed, and I returned from my tour to build the chain of command over continuing my mission, I do my best to help anyone I can help should they seek me out for help, I believe that no one person succeeds on their own. The fate of any country stands with its people.

I had fun interviewing Cody. He has been an eFriend of mine for a while now. Some of you may know that he interviewed me when I was a newb so I wanted to return the favor. You can see that interview here.
People Aren't who you Thought They Were
Video to set Mood

Gnilraps- Old Gnilly isn't who you thought he was, huh. I looked up to this guy, he was my mentor. I guess it was all part of his plan. This is really a shame. You're lucky I cracked out my super duper ultra technology thing because otherwise this would've gone unnoticed.

At first I thought "What does it mean?" It's like a double rainbow or something. It means he can't be trusted, and on the 25th it will be very hard to prevent both him and Pizza from getting people into Congress.

This is hard though. It's not like all Feds were aware of this. Some of them had to be innocent. The question is which ones? I was a Fed for three months and I never suspected a thing. Is this the truth to why Kara Beth left the party? Did she know she would be executed if she told the truth? This actually is starting to answer some questions. Was him rejoining Easy Company a way to expand his power? I will try to bring you more information when I get it.

Jon Malcom
Jon Malcom's another one.

Krist Novoselic

You guys may be a little bit more confused about this one. It seems as if Jon Malcom will look like Krist Novoselic in about fifteen years. In eRepublik that's about 3-4 months.

Why does that matter? After leaving Nirvana, Novoselic became a politician. Why does this mean anything? In a few months Malcom will stop the whole radio thing and become a serious politician. Sure, most people will be extremely disappointed, and will want him to continue with Dave Grohl Cody Caine, but it just won't happen. Who's Kurt Cobain in all of this? Good question. He's Portcolumbus! After being a politician and a radio guy for three months he's getting tired of the publicity. Unsure of how to end it he will throw his keyboard at his computer, breaking both.

Also, in the #JMS chat room on Friday Malcom called me a possible stalker. Wouldn't Krist be suspicious of stalkers being in the biggest band of the 90's? I found out your secret Jon!
eRepublik Quote of the Article- "Would you like my sugar in your pants?" ~Cody Caine~


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