Interview + personal message from the president of Finland

Day 1,493, 06:45 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
This morning, I decided to send a few questions to the president of our neighboring country - beekaks of Finland. He kindly answered them within an hour, so here is the short interview uncensored and unedited.

Q: Rumors has it that you declared war because of the situation in Norway. Is that true? If so, how do you respond to the Swedes putting Finland as NE instead of Russia? Would you have went to war even if Sweden had released all of the Norwegian regions?

A: We are in war with Sweden to help Norway get out of their PTOers. This is followup to the plan that failed earlier with Norway and Denmark. Your leaders were told we are going after the Norwegian areas, so we are suprised that you NE us. (Note by Valna😛 check out Flitwick's and Lonestar's previous articles for the original plan)

Q: Many Finns seem eager to fight Sweden - will this war mark the end of a 3 year long NAP, or do you think that our countries might be on friendly terms with one another again in the future?

A: I am sure we can be in friendly terms in the Future, I just fear it is not possible with your current leaders who are more interested about talking big than actually co-operate.

Q: New political movements are on the horizon in Sweden, with the objective to improve our relations to our neighbors in Scandinavia. If there would be peace between Sweden, Denmark and Norway in the future, how would Finland react?

A: I am sure that in the future we can have a peace and harmony again. However, it will take sometime to have again the trust we had, and which your current leaders so easily just threw away.

Q: Last, but not least: is there something you would like to tell the Swedish readers?

A: I was actually thinking about asking snaskebladet to publish my message to your people, but I can aswell give it to you. I will send it in next message.

And so, here it is, the words of Finland's president to the people of eSweden:

People of Sweden,

It is a sad day that our peaceloving nations are fighting against each other. For so long we have benefited from the peace and stability in North. Due to behavior of your leaders we had no other possibility than out Sweden as our Natural Enemy. Let me explain what lead to this.

Our Brothers in Norway contacted us several weeks ago and asked if we could conquer their land as they were under Political Take over, by Serbian goons. The PTO was made possible by your leaders who tricked the Norwegians to trust those people. I never thought there is anything lower than PTOers, but now I know there is.

At the same time Denmark was having similar problems, so there was need for a plan. In this plan Finland was to take Norway and then release areas Sweden so dearly needs. Your leaders agreed and then right away ate their word and laughed about it. As you can so clearly see in your MoD article (article by Lonestar), rather than helping Nordic neighbours they spit on their face, by having plan where PTO regime could easily live behind protection of Swedish borders.

What choice did we have in Finland? We decided it was time to end war with Estonia and forget the bonus we get from there in order to help our brothers in Norway and Denmark. Your leaders knew we are coming, they just chose not to believe it, trusting that we fear your military might. But even in the risk of losing our own country, we cannot leave our friends, we have to at least try.

So, people of Sweden. We are not your enemy, it is your leaders. Rather than focusing on protecting your own country against Russian invasion they decide to NE us, who are in Norway. They rather give the entire country away than let their Serbian friends lose the benefits of PTO of Norway.

// beekaks, President of Finland

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