International Report - Day 795

Day 795, 08:30 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Buitenlandse Za
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Western Europe has been the most important front for us, as it is involving us and most of our allies and friends.
What happened so far?
- Poland conquered Germany, and Wallonia.
- Spain conquered France and some parts of Italy.
- Spain and Poland region swapped to avoid blocking from other countries like the eUNL.

Last week the Polish agressors searched for another victory and attacked the British lands, activating all of their MPPS against Poland. As you can see here, the UK defended their country with huge amount of damage points...

But the Polish didnt actually mean to take the British lands, but to block them, and keep the UK busy with protecting their land instead of trying to free France. But, due the game mechanics, once you have lost a battle you have to wait for 24 hours to attack again. This give your opponent the initiative, the key to victory. This is where Sweden enters the battlefield. They attacked UK and thus keeping the initiative at EDEN.
This way Poland and Sweden attacked the UK, untill Poland didnt react on time and the UK could attack Sweden themselves. Right now UK is winning the Battle of Midjetland, a Swedish colony in Denmark.

As some of you might noticed, Brussels and Flanders were conquered by the resistance forces. Belgium is now back on the map, which can be a good thing, if it is a country led by the Belgians, not by Romanians or Polish. If you want to keep Belgium save from PTO's, please contact this organization and you will receive a Movingticket and instructions.
If you want to give your opinion about this, and about the Union, please give your opinion here.

Our eastern neighbours and one of our best allies, Germany, is back on the map again. Two regions, Bavaria and Saarland, were conquered by the resistance forces. If our UNLIN helped with this, I surely want to clap my hands for Flando...
To Germany: best wishes and you can count on UNL support.


At the middle-east, some RWs damaged the land bridge of Serbia, but none of them succeed. The land bridge has the purpose to bring Serbia into Asia.
In Asia itself, China tried to conquer some regions from Russia, but they did not succeed in that job. The region of Jillin is still in Russian hands, which means that "Hello Kitty" (Heilongjiang) is save under the control of the Hungarians. Hello Kitty is a very import region of PHOENIX as it is a high iron region.

The battles of Asia-minor are temporaly stopped due the DDOS attacks from Turkish IPs. The people of Greece are very kind not to attack Turkey who are dealing with massive problems and account bans. This is also the reason why there are no battles in the UNL.


To South-Africa, Indonesia launched two invasions. Although one of them failed, the others are still going on. This war will also give Indonesia the possibility to region swap with Brazil and go to South-America.

This report is made by Trinc, Minister of Foreign Affairs

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