Indonesia is just not that into us...

Day 456, 17:49 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

Well folks we knew it was gonna happen anyway, the president of Indonesia, Aban,(who by the way looks like Groucho Marx) is putting out pro-war propaganda towards our country.
Here's the link:
That's his newspaper, the Fourth Estate.
In the words of Jack Nicholson: "can't we all just get along?"
Of course Jack also took an axe to a door if you recall (The Shining) when things were not going his way.
Why? What have we done to Indonesia?
We may not start this war but I believe we can finish it when it does happen.
Because no longer is it a question of will or how but when.
Be ready to fight, it seems that Uncle Sam has inherited quite a lot of problems.
1. Will Indonesia go to war with us? (I believe they will...duh)
2. Will you fight?
3. Can they win?
4. Do you support Aban?

Credit is given to citizen: Australian Warlord.