In-Game vs Out-Of-Game

Day 2,204, 00:39 Published in Greece Armenia by Internetus Internetian

I see there is a lot of confusion from many people on this game of ingame vs outofgame. My last article brought some of this out as well. I would like to explain to everyone what these terms mean in the context of a game like this.

Erepublik Basis

I think it is pretty evident why people play this game. It is not overly fun at all. There are lots of other political simulators which in other ways are better then this. The game is notorious for bias behavior for one nationality over another by admins, and extremely horrible customer service. So why do people play this game? Because of nationality. Nationality is a huge aspect of this game. People play in their national homelands, and people who don't have them, play in the hopes of gaining one. As everyone knows, nationality or culture or heritage is something that is the religion, ethnicity, language, foods, customs, traditions, mentality, family lifestyle, values, social structure, and shared history. As nationality plays a major part, of course these values listed of what makes up a nation or culture come with it. In this sense, they are major parts of this game.

In-Game VS Out-Of-Game

The model of this game is to play ingame. Therefore, this simulator is not like a professional or academic simulator where real life conditions are tested to see their outcome. People are expected to play according to the atmosphere they find themselves in the game. The truth is though, that some people take this to an extreme, which ruins the gameplay in my opinion. For instance, in my last article some few people had a minority opinion that I was trolling, or promoting something against an "e-ally". While I agree that the ingame play is different here then the outofgame real life situation, many aspects of the real life can not be ignored. For instance, calling eturkey an ally just because eGreece is occupied with eMacedonia/eFYROM conflicts, does not mean that Greeks should forget their nationality. The truth is, is that the hostilities between turkish people and native people of Anatolia and Caucasus, is part of our nationality. If this game was set in 800AD that might be different, but this game is set in modern times, and turkish peoples and native Anatolian and Caucasian people have been having conflicts with invading turkish forces for 1,000 years. To forgot this in the game is to actually forget the national aspect that is in the game. The nations in the game are there to represent those peoples, it is not merely a color to be used for setting up random teams. Therefore to think that people having these hostilities in the game as detrimental to the game is stupid, as ignoring these real life cultural aspects of the culture would just eliminate the nationalist aspect of the game, and therefore make the whole point behind the game pointless.

War with eturkey

To those that think eturkey is an ally, remember this. For a very long time eIran has igorned the threat of eturkey. For years eIran has been fine, since they are a powerful country, and have given up many opportunities to wipe out eturkey. Recenetly though, eturkey has made much of eIran a battleground. For now, they are not attacking eGreece, this is true. They are still a threat nonetheless, and the real life hostilities is there too. If eGreece ignores this, then eventually when they get a chance they will attack, just like what happened to eIran. I understand the wars with eMacedonia/eFYROM has been occupying eGreece, and the other TWO states have been very busy with their own wars all over the world. The truth is though, while all these TWO countries are worried about all these wars around the world, eturkey sits there as a threat right next to us. A significant weakening of TWO is all it would take for an invasion of eEurope by eturkey! I highly suggest that TWO as a whole knocks out this threat. After we wipe out the threat, and we gain new regions with new resources, then we can go back to fighting our other wars. They can wait for us. We have the strength at the moment to do this. Please don't wait until TWO doesn't have the strength, and then have to fight a war with eturkey as well as deal with other enemies of TWO countries at the same time.