III: 1K Day

Day 1,000, 05:15 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Well, here we are! My, isn't this rather nice? 1,000 days of a game going. When we look up at the counter now it'll be in 4 digits! How exciting!

All this hubbub about this day, and to be honest, it will be a let down in a lot of ways. A few days ago I had a simple realization.

It's as honest as I can be. The game, our world which has now aged to 1,000 days I fear will not survive to see 2,000 days unless some changes are made to our eLives.

The main issue as of late has simply been that the game has lost appeal. It is more intimidating to new players and requires a larger investment of energy and time, especially with battles. 2-clicking is a thing of the past, and with that elimination we have weeded out the weak from the strong. In that process of self-rejuvenation we have partly lost why this game is fun.

We have all had our adjustment issues, our hacks, our complaints with how the game is run. But the people who play eRepublik to "beat the game" aren't in it for the right reason.

The community has always been what keeps everyone coming back to the keyboard for one more day, what propels us to do anything really. What's the point of being a media mogul if you pay for your subscribers to get it? What's the point in winning a battle so easily that you the competitive nature of the win is completely hollow because it was hacked? Why bother working for a company when it's just bots and multi accounts that you interact with?

The people, the friends of this game, are the lifeblood of it. And they really are great.

It is at this point where I would like to point out a few of my friends and thank them for making this game worth playing.

Gildorg: My first friend, a man who has done more work for new players than just about any other person I know. Even though we don't talk so much anymore, Gildorg was there for me when I was still figuring out the eWorld back in V1. The Flying Unicorn Squadron deserves a lot of credit there too. Kudos!

Deatvert: The guy who got me involved in this whole thing in the first place. Helped me get situated in Eagles Militia, and after he drew back I helped keep the whole thing going for a while before moving on. Great and knowledgeable fellow, that one.

Candor: My good buddy in SEES, Candor has a drive and knowledge about him I highly respect. Had a lot of good times planning and plotting various things. That was indeed fun.

St Krems: Another friend from SEES (cool peeps there), St Krems is a badass, a legend in his own right, and a freaking knowledgeable mofo. He's got a vision for eUS, and I'm gonna be sad when the fifth of September comes around. Thanks again for letting me bug you for that interview!

Julian Mizu: Along with Speedcat McNasty, they were the reason that I wanted to join SEAL Team 6. Now, I finally got promoted (thanks for that!) and it rocks! These two do a lot of work. Serious props!

Kazeal: Speaking of awesome people and parties, UIP has quite a few of both. Kazeal is one of the best of them, rocking solid tasty awesomeness for the good of brohood. He makes being in a party fun.

Justin McCravok: Another one of those awesome UIP bros, Justin is our new Leader of Supreme Awesomeness (I still love you Pheno). Seriously, get over to UIP and start chilling. Them and SEES just straight up rock.

Holen: A guy I met with chance, Holen and I have been at it for the last few weeks together. He's a cool dude, and I'm pretty sure I'm very excited to see what else he has in store. Crazy stuff!

Swiftstar: My latest friend, Swiftstar is a pretty congenial human being of cool. Still getting to know you, but it's been good so far.

Friends are seriously awesome, and this game has a lot of them. Sure, this game has a lot of downfalls recently, but as long as we can just get past that and find the fun in the community, it has been proven with great accuracy that high amounts of excellency shall ensue.


Happy 1K Day everybody! Stay frosty.