I owe everything to this guy!

Day 2,315, 20:48 Published in Switzerland Lithuania by Walen II
Hello everybody,

Well, I do not even know where to start this article... I'm kinda sad, not for myself but for a friend. Rican is being heavily criticized in the Swiss media, people cashing all your anger and put all the blame on him. Rican is one of my best friends here, and I think these times friends should be present to defend him, only his friends as I know the real Rican, not one that is criticized in the media, but the real Rican who gives his blood for this nation.

I remember the day I wrote an article criticizing him and several other people. Yes! I've also hated him. We already had hard discussions, he argued, but not cared... continued to encourage me to play.

I was getting close to the person in which my friends said is evil. I decided to know Rican a little better instead of continuing arrested to another's opinion.

Then I had one of the biggest surprises in this game, I discovered that the person I hated was actually a good person, someone willing to do anything to defend the nation, a person who encouraged me to play and made ​​the game even more fun for me.

In the beginning, even knowing I do not like him, Rican always commented in my article encouraging me to play, he always shouted my articles and with this, new people would know my job and I would make more friends, all because of him.

I've always been ashamed to ask for financial help for being too proud, and it ended up getting back in miliary module, for more than 1 year my Training Ground was still Q1. I finally lost the shame and decided to contact him and my military about my financial problem and since last year Rican send me financial help, sometimes he send without even asking him. It was with his help that today I have Q4 Training Grounds, because of him I stopped being a useless soldier and thanks to him I had the opportunity to have the first Combat Stash. Also he always helped me politically, he is one of the people who most supported my CP applications, was always by my side when I needed it, always. Rican never left me alone in my problems, always offering help and sometimes freed me from big trouble.

Rican, what I have shown here is not even 1% of what you already did for me. My brother, I can not afford everything you did for me, all I can say is thank you, millions of thank you. Thanks for all the fun times we had in conversations, thanks for all support in game modules. Thanks for making my game more fun.

You helped me without even knowing me. You believed in me, believed in my ideas and believed in my work. I hope I have not disappointed you. We, your friends, know what really goes on in this country, and you know that is not the villain. For me and many people you are a hero.

I just wrote here somethings you did for me but I wanted to write more, what you already made ​​for the country or at least 1% more of what you already did for me and several others, but this would become a book, and you know well what you already has done for us all.

With the head up and with the truth on our side you know that there is no evil we can not stop. I say "we" because you 'll never be alone, you have real friends in which know you is a good guy!

Hugs my brother!
"If you're not the lead dog... the scenery never changes." -Rican