How can I play erepublik like turks?

Day 5,385, 13:47 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by Isr heil

evet kankiler malum sahsin annesi aradi diyor evladim ortaliga meze oldum lutfen beni kurtar ben de tabii her turk erkegi gibi dardaki bayana pardon kadina yardim etmem lazim diyerek asagidaki scripti yazdim bunu tampermonkeye ekleyin bir daha ne post ekranini ne de mesaj ekranini gorun alsin onlari malum sahis harfine noktasina kadar bir tarafina ....

this article is dedicated to you know who's mother.
if you add this code blocks on tampermonkey, you will play erepublik like us cause you know who doesnt love his mother and he always want to hear bad words against his mother so turkish players never use the post screen or message screen. anyway, if you want to play like us, you must add it on tampermonkeyxd

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