
Day 2,663, 13:25 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Stisni zube i trpi,neka te lomi
Neka grize komad po komad tvoga tela
Oseti kako ostar,prodoran uzas bola
Prodire tvojim misicima i mrvi te...
Ne odustani tada...
To je tek pocetak,tek krece..
Samo bol je to
Tek se zagrevaju horde zla
Za uzivanje u tvojoj patnji
A ti jadan i mucan molis se
I verujes da ce ti neko
Ili mozda nesto...
Dati neku trunku spasa,nade...
Nema toga,ti si zaboravljen i
Pogodi sta???
Ostavljen sam...
Ali ne odustani tada...
Mada ne verujes ipak ima neko
Neko koga ti verovatno samo tvojom krivicom
Nikada nisi upoznao kako treba
Neko ko je uvek tu a ti ga ne vidis
Zaslepljen pohlepom,zudnjom,ceznjom
Ko zna cime sve jos
Nisi nikada upoznao..
A on je uvek bio tu i uporno te cekao!!
Prosta i jadna dusa nikada se nije okrenula
Da ga lepo vidi i dostojno upozna
Zato sada trpi bol!!!
Izvini ali sam si kriv...
A znas li ko je on??
Naravno da ne znas...
On je Heroj...Ne onaj iz filmova
Takav ne postoji
Ovaj je drugaciji,nema posebne moci
Nije cak ni lep,obican je
Svakodnevan...I najcesce ga vidis...
Znas gde???
U ogledalu prosti covece
U ogledalu ga vidis a u sebi osetis
Tu je on u tebi ali ga nisi upoznao
Nisi se potrudio!!!
Trudio si se da budes bogat,uspesan
Da imas stvari koje ti nikada ni za sta nisu trebale
I zato sada patis...I mucis se
I treba da se mucis!!
Sam si to izabrao!!
Da si samo jednom,ali samo jednom...
Pokusao da ucinis nekoga srecnim
Bez da ocekujes bilo sta za uzvrat
Osim osecanja da si ucinio nesto lepo
Sada bi bio heroj!!
Sada bi imao snagu u sebi
Volju,ljubav,i najlepsi osecaj..
Osecaj da si srecan!!
Ove sve horde zla bi se odbijale od tvoj stit
Stit srece i ljubavi koji bi imao!!
Zato nije ti kasno vremena jos ima
Zaboravi na sve nasmej se
Postani heroj...Postani srecan!!
Taj neko i jedina osoba koja moze
Koja ce ti sigurno pomoci si ti!!
I samo ti!!


Grit your teeth, let it break you
Let it bite your body piece by piece
Feel how sharp, piercing horror of pain
Pierces through your muscles and crushes you...
Don't give up then...
It's just the beginning, it just starts...
It's only pain
Hordes of evil are just warming up
For enjoyment in your suffering
And miserable and painful, you're praying
And believing that someone
Or maybe something...
Will give you some shred of salvation, hope...
There's no that, you are forgotten and
Guess what???
Left alone...
But don't give up then...
Although you don't believe, there is someone
Someone that it's your fault
You haven't met him right
Someone who is always there but you don't see him
Blinded by greed, lust, longing
Who knows with what else
You've never met...
And he was always there constantly waiting for you!!
Simple and miserable soul has never turned
To see him clearly and properly meet
So now you put up with pain!!!
Sorry, but it's your own fault...
And do you know who that person is??
Of course you don't now...
He is a Hero...Not the one from movies
There is no such
This one is different, has no special powers
He's not even nice, he's regular
Ordinary...And usually you see him...
You know where???
In the mirror, you simple man
In the mirror you see him and inside yourself feel him
He's there inside of you but you've never met him
You didn't try!!!
You tried to be rich, successful
To have the things that you didn't need ever
And that's why you're suffering now...And agonize
And you should agonize!!
You chose that yourself!!
If you had only once, but only once...
Tried to make someone happy
Without expecting something in return
Beside feeling that you did something nice
Now you'd be a hero!!
Now you'd have strength in you
Will, love, and most beautiful one...
The feel that you're happy!
Then all hordes of evil would rebound of your shield
Shield of happiness and love you would have!!
So, it's not too late, there's still time
Forget about everything and smile
Become a hero..Become happy!!
That someone and only one who can
Who will help you for sure is you!!
And only you!!

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