Day 1,879, 04:44 Published in USA Portugal by Rubicon8

Greetings fellow Americans,

Good morning!

This is my first article in eUSA.

Until a few weeks ago I was a ePortuguese citizen, but since my nation is wiped and with no perspective of regaining control, I have decided to come to America.

Here are my first impressions on eAmerica:

BONUS - I was surprised to find out that your government decided to loose some bonuses "in order to refrain immigration into america"!!!

Really?! Are you serious?

So you are determined to ruin your economy in order to keep the aliens out.

Well, it is your right.

IMMIGRANTS - It seems that eImmigrants are not very welcome in the eUSA.

No problem,

Afterall, we all know that America was built by the Cherokees and the Navajos (sarcasm mode - no prejudice against native americans, it's just a way of ilustrating the absurd of this xenophobic reasoning)

POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT - Confusing... to say the least.

It seems that in eAmerica everyone else is... an ELITIST!

You disagree over someone's argument: call him an elitist!

You dont like another player: call him an elitist!

Your political opponent? Obviously an elitist!

And that resumes ideas debate from what I've seen - "their" elitism versus "our" elistism

Now the golden question: WTF IS AN ELITIST?

I would appreciate some feedback on the issue.

THE NATION'S FUTURE PROJECTS: honestly, I don't get it.

In the past 2 weeks I had the chance to fight for eAmerica on a single battle.

I couldn't fight more, because there were no more battles.

So, It is kind of a "farmville" strategy.

Which doesn't make much sense (to me). Afterall you gave up the bonus, loosing the production income, and on the other side you don't fight.

Since you aren't focused on maximizing production or in military conquest - whats the goal?


I belong to the AFA and to the American Eagle Division, because they were the ones who sponsored my citizenship application.

I don't know the controversy around Ronald Gipper Reagan and I dont really care, so dont bother me with that bullsh..

I wrote this article with no intentions to offend anyone. I you feel offended... it's your problem!

And in case I dont see you, good afternoon good evening and good night!