Happy 1337 Day!! (And other stuff...)

Day 1,337, 18:47 Published in USA USA by Neo Iasov



That's right.... it is Day 1,337 and I have been waiting for this. It is so odd that it would be a day like this that would get me to finally write an article.... but then, I guess those of you who know me wouldn't say it is odd at all. I have a few topics to address so let's get down to it, shall we?

Part 1
I. Who is 1337 and Who is Elite?

II. Happy Fun Time 6001

Part 2
III. How to Educate New Players


I. Who is 1337 and Who is Elite?

Obviously, people like Marxus, s0beit, PigInZen, laxsnor, |NX|, and myself are 1337 but did you know that there are also elites and some overlap amongst the 1337 and the elite?

This elitist guy used 1337 |-|4>

First, I would argue that every member of the United States Workers Party's leadership is among the elite. Their Constitution just lends itself to that kind of elite behavior.

Second, I'd say that the American Military Party have ties to the elite, not via the party but via the military, which is every bit as political and elite as all the other parties. This will remain true no matter how much they deny it.

Third, the Federalists are certainly elite but not all of them as their elites are but the select few who run the party on both IRC and their forums. By the way, Feds, have a little more decency than to start your PP primary on POTUS election day, especially one as profound as the last.

Finally, of the parties I am going to discuss, we have the Libertarians. Now, keep reading this bit because otherwise you'd think I am biased because I reformed them. I am going to say that the Libertarians are not elitists at all. They were once, perhaps, but that was a long time ago.

Eagles are elitists. Just like Stephen Colbert.

That isn't to say that I am not an elite and surely it is well known that I have a hand in the affairs of the Libertarian party. My friends, I would venture to say that I am the most elite moreso than most of the leadership of every party mentioned above. I won't shy from this. Like the bow tie sported by our dear friend Doctor Who (Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor), elites are cool. As such, I humbly invite you all to join an IRC channel wherein we may craft our elitist plots. I welcome you, noble reader, to #elites. Note that the channel doesn't have a purpose other than recognizing ourselves and those like us for who we are so that when the Joe DaSmoes and SamWystans come along and want to label us elites, we can herp derp at them.

Note the effects of a successful herp derp. It is unrecoverable.

II. Happy Fun Time 6001

I can keep this one short and simple. Marxus and I have started our own talk radio show. While eRepublik will be a topic on the show from time to time, we don't really have a set of topics to forcibly adhere to. As such, we'll welcome all callers who wish to speak on any subject they like. I am familiar with mostly everything and anything I am unfamiliar with will simply become a subject that I pretend I am very knowledgeable about. So knowledgeable, in fact, that I value my opinion on the matter far too greatly to share it with the likes of you. I would, however, allow you to go on about the topic despite your marked ignorance.

Tonight (July 19th) will be our first show. We begin airing at 11pm EST (20:00 eRep time) and you can find us on the IRC channel #AL or on our BlogTalkRadio page http://j.mp/AL_talk Tonight we may already have some special guest callers should they decide to grace us with their presence. Otherwise, it'll be a half-hour show of me, Me, ME! And you wouldn't want that.

I mean, look what could happen to you from too much happy fun time.

This concludes Part 1

I will be writing Part 2 within 1-3 days. Part 2 will have some long-awaited info including my plans, as Secretary of Education, for educating and retaining new players as well as teaching some old dogs new tricks. Part 2 will also include the (currently-working) commands for my eggdrop bot Liberty as well as the features that I intend to implement. Also on the bot agendum would be a brief tutorial on Marxus's bot Buckette, a list of several often amusing triggers that Buckette knows, and finally an explanation on why Guardian is an important bot.

Eggdrops are the nerds of the bot world. This ultimately make them more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
