hail working manager!

Day 1,297, 15:20 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

We got some new changes... and no information before they where implemented...
But that was to be expected.

Whats new?
-we lost the working skill feature
-we got a +100health per day building (for high working skill player)
-we got a towncenter with 100health to spend per star of the building (player with companies of different quality got -if lucky- a 5star towncenter)
-production increased (more than doubled)

Why are the working managers the winners?
-they have many companies
-so working managers work more than a normal player who has just some companies of his own or even doesnt own a company
-because of that working managers have high working skill too

What does that mean?
-working managers got a 5star towncenter + a 100health building
-they can spend now even more health with working in own companies
-they produce more products because of higher productivity
-everybody has the same productivity, so normal citizens living from their wage earn now less if they had high working skill before


Whats does admin get?
Its all about the gold!!!!
Because the normal citizens who had high working skill earn less and have more health they can spend, many of them will think of buying a company.
So some will buy gold to invest.
Admin gets rich.

to all working manager (especially those without even one regular worker in the >9000companies), who are flooding the market with unwanted products: your hard work paid off!

The forum was down + i wasnt able to write an article after the new changes because of some issues... but i dont think it was to control the shiiiat-storm... it was pure coincidence!

cant post the article link as shout... is this some kind of censorship?
is it an exploit to send a link of MY article to MY friends?
because if they are my friends they have to read my crap or our friendship for ever is history for ever!!!
no for real: if they dont wana click a link to my article they dont have to click!

hope its just a buck...