Day 2,740, 18:09 Published in Georgia Ukraine by UkrainischGuerrilla
Українська версія

Hello there again, I think soon it would become a habit to duplicate my articles in English language🙂 You would say why I just don't include the translation - the answer is obvious - people get scared when see huge amount of text, especially accompanied by foreign language, so it makes sense to do two separate articles for different audiences.

The talk today is about such phenomenon as "scamming". As I suppose most of you have noticed - administration (yes, as I've predicted, hahaha) has re-introduced the Blitzkriegpack, therefore leaving no chances for any prize for ones who don't possess it. Obviously people have gone wild, the shout sream is filled with proposals from sellers/customers... But among them you might notice the desperate cries of ones, who got... SCAMMED

Actually, it's the trick of the "black" market - it's based on trust, you have no guarantees the person you've given the money would fulfill his duties. That's why people usually tend to buy stuff from ones they know, or with help of "middleman" - respectable guy, who ensures the deal goes the right way. Yes, and always check the scammer-list.

Still, sometimes guys get too urgent or unattantive, and eventually get tricked out. 50k cc is quite a fortune for an avegare player here, so I feel really sorry for ones who got in trouble. But there is one point, when I insist a person got what she deserved, and I would talk about it in next chapter.

The Hero of the Day is a player called "BigAnt" - accused of scamming multiple players. Yeah, what a d**k, take him to the gallow's pole and stuff like that... But please take into consideration one small detail - whate were the prices he offered?
Unfortunately I didn't manage to get the screenshots, but trusting my memory, he offered a WarStash for 21k and Bltizkrieg for 44k.... GUYS, WASN'T IT OBVIOUSLY UNDERPRICED?

Let's parallel it with real life, I would tell you a funny story. Few years ago I found myself chilling out in the capital of the Czech Republik. It happened that I needed to exchange some Euro to local currency, so I headed to the closest exchange outlet. Suddenly, I heard some 45-years old guy talking to me in poor English: "You not go there! Bad rate, big comission!". After asking me if I was from Germany(I dunno, people never ever taken me for Ukrainian unless they knew), and receiving a positive answer from me(just for fun) he offered me to exchange the Euro to CZK by extremely nice rate: 34 to 1 istead of official 28. It was an obvious fraud, so I advised him to go f.... for repentance to St. Vitus cathedral.

As my friends told me later - there exists some kind sport challenge, held out by Prague's rascals. It's idea is to sell Belorussian Rubles to stupid tourists. To those who don't know: 1 EUR = 16'000 BYR, so you can imagine the faces of guys being tricked, when they discover what they bought. And by the way, that was the reason that guy wanted to check if he had guessed my nationality - this trick obviously doesn't work on Ukrainians, Russians and especially the citizens from Belarus.

Actually why I am telling this? I want you to feel the difference between Burglary, Heist and actually FRAUD. While thives and burglars are taking the valuables from individual against his will - by sneaking or by force, the masters of FRAUD exploit the human weaknesses to make them give everything away WILLINGLY. So, basically it's often the fault of the victim, whose greed has got him into the trap.

Unfortunately same way as IRL, we have some financial and social inequality in this game, so not everybody is able to spend extra 10k CC. It's normal that people seek for the most reasonable prices, it's what they call being THRIFTY. But don't let it turn into the GREED - as it blinds and eventually gets you into trouble. Just remember - free cheese happens only in a mousetrap, so behind an unreally cheap offers often hide quite real scammers.

So always think twice
