Gold Mines: Affecting more than the Map

Day 1,959, 03:33 Published in USA USA by Jason Welsh

More than the map you say? Well ya, what did you expect, admin is just dumping 500,000 gold into circulation for no reason and no economic consequences?
[tl;dr] if you seriously didn't read this first paragraph because of length than why are you reading erep articles?

Before you start complaining about Plato just doing stuff for the lulz and watching us deal with it, let me tell you that this is a good thing. Yup, we've been asking them to do something about the economy for how long and now, they've finally given us something that's going to be a dream come true. Let's take a theoretical look at this.
[tl;dr] admin actually thought something out this time

So... 500k gold magically entering circulation. This means more gold in the hands of the average player. There will, ofc, be some people who upgrade companies right away with it, but thanks to only giving most people less than 1.0 gold per day, it shouldn't be a significant problem.

Less people upgrading means more gold just sitting around in people's hands or being trades around for CC. If more gold is on the momentary market but the amount of CC stays the same, than the value of gold will decrease because it is more common in ratio to CC.
[tl;dr] cheaper gold on momentary market

How much cheaper? For this, we would need some numbers, but if you think you can guess at what the numbers are and have it be close to right, here's the formula that you could use to predict stuff.

(500,000-cost of company upgrades that people buy)/(amount of gold held by active players before mines[2-clickers included])=X/100

X= the percent price drop of gold on monetary market

So, just for fun, anyone who thought they got a good answer for this post it in the comments and we'll come up with an average to compare with reality XD

Current cost of gold on Monetary market at 6:31 AM Monday morning (EST)
210 USD/1 G
Noon Monday morning: 1 gold=206 USD
2:30 PM on Monday: 1 gold=202 USD
5:07 PM on Monday: 1 gold=200 USD - looks like it's gonna be a wild ride to the bottom so far
5:14 AM Tuesday: 1 gold=206 USD

Some more info on the gold mines
-From Marc Aldrix
-From Kemal Ergenecon
-From Albteflondon

Stay sexy guys 😉
