From CrOmega with love..

Day 2,887, 16:39 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello eIreland and friends
firstly I’d like to thank everyone who took part in our liberation war against Portugal. The list of ‘Heroes of Ireland’ has been updated. Each one of these people can proudly call themselves Liberators of Ireland, but there’s one guy I have to highlight. It’s Sir Colin of Ireland. Most of you know him, for some of you who doesn’t. He’s been with us since the hostile MTO tried to take us over and without him I doubt we would defend ourselves back then, he did the same now. Each time we couldn’t fight on our own he was there for us. Having this guy on our border (Albania took Newfoundland) will be even more exciting. I for one look forward to it.

Since CrOmega took charge of Ireland we’re looking much better in my humble opinion. We have once again rejected a NAP which would cost us losing the regions for free. Portugal was actually mad at us for rejecting it since they obviously didn’t met us before. We would always rather take the bullet and fight than give our regions for nothing. We’re not typical small country, we’re the special one. So, after 11 days of CrOmega in charge we have successfully liberated eIreland. It’s the best response to those who keep moaning about things and never do something to help the community. Internal party politics only gave us some extra work to do, but we managed to keep focus on the battlefields.

We have successfully coordinated with our allies, we have organised things and we fought the invaders off
. Everything has been going very smoothly. Moomoohead showed how important is to have an active and smart Dictator in charge, TRC proved he really is a capable President (which we already knew). Our MoD has been publishing articles all the time to keep people informed. Sluagh successfully organised our allies and me, as Minister of Finances didn’t spent a single IEP on our defence. Everything has been funded with private money by numerous people. We couldn’t afford to spend anything after we got robbed before this summer, our income still isn’t as good as we hope for, but it’s hard to work on it with having constant battles. All in all, I have to say I’m proud to be eIrish and CrOmegan, we have proved that there are more important things than country’s size - its heart. We have won many friends in the times when we could afford to do things and it all pays off today. That’s why being a loyal ally is much more important than losing a region every here and then.

So, on this glorious day, I'm sending you something from CrOmega to Ireland with love - Freedom!

Our Div1 fighting hard!

Lady Silver and the boys keeping wall on our side!

Ireland, be proud on yourself.
CrOmega, be proud on yourself.
We did it!

Don Croata, proud eIrish