For the INCI people (:

Day 1,153, 16:11 Published in Mexico Mexico by Alicia Tiersen

Bueno gente bonita, ya vieron, lo prometido es deuda, les dije que iba a ver jalones de greña y demás, el siguiente articulo lo escribo en ingles para que la gente de INCI pueda leerlo, y comentar, si ustedes igual quieren revisarlo pueden hacerlo (:

Esto lo hago porque nosotros hablamos ESPAÑOL y ellos NO, por eso para evitar que el google translate haga de las suyas pues aquí están mi inglés XD

Por cierto, lo hago desde mi periódico para que luego no digan que son cosas obscuras, que si me van a dar algo, que si yo promuevo TO, que si cesar ortega y yo somos compinches del diablo, que si los partidos fake y demás. (:


Hi INCI, just a question, WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR USA? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!! You said that you came to help, and now answer my questions saying that "there are INCI members in the U.S. and they fight for" what the hell?????

Hi INCI people.!

Well, my previous articles were an introduction to my people that would know what are you doing here, as you know, much has been rumored that if you plan a PTO and more things.

I've talked to some of you and gently settled me my doubts about what is your purpose in our country.

Many of my compatriots doubt you, and do not blame them; it is strange that people from Turkey arrived to help us, especially when our relations with eTR is not pleasant, but not so bad.

In fact, sometimes it´s hard to believe in the help that comes from other country, Mexico has a few allies.

Many Mexicans say this "seeing is believes" and I think that is fair, as you give no sign of negative actions, my people start to trust you.

I would appreciate any comment about the article.

hahaha 😃 Certainly the phrase correctly spelled by Speedy Gonzales is [/b]"¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba!”[/b] But this character is American ): … originally inspired in the Mexican culture haha (:

For Mexican icons could be "El Santo" or "El Chapulin Colorado" or even a warrior prehispanic… they were icons.

I hope everything goes well and we can benefit both parties, so soon to be much help if some of you begin to work in our companies, we could level a little bit our economy.

Beforehand thanks (:

This article is intended to keep them aware of what happens.

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