For A Better Korea

Day 1,006, 15:33 Published in South Korea Canada by TroyTrojansCoach

The National Assembly (or Congress) elections are just around the corner. Last month, I was unsuccessful in winning a chance to serve my country in politics. I’m back for Round 2 on August 25 and I hope my hard work can pay off to allow me the honor of serving in the National Assembly.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m a fairly new South Korean citizen bestowed with the responsibility of being the Ambassador to the USA and Japan. Both countries have warmly welcomed me as a neutral to talk about peace and possibly friendship. I am an active member in the Korean Independence Party and I’m very active on the national forum,, and in the country’s media (comments and articles).

For a complete history and platform summary of myself, please use the following link to access my official website: . Please leave comments on what you think of the site. Thanks!

I will be running in Chungcheongbuk-do and I hope to see all of South Korea participating in the elections. Vote for the best candidate to keep activity and service up in this country. Vote Trojan on the 25th!