Feb 17, 2012

Day 1,551, 02:40 Published in India India by Uv Ajed

Thought of the day: “Belief" is just a presumption born out of the mind of an individual named "humanity"

Is Federalism, the future of eIndia?
At a recently convened meeting between the Chief Ministers of Big 5, a term invented by the political pundits(pun intended) to describe the 5 biggest states of eIndia in terms of GDP(post-Nominal), GDP(CPP or Corruption Power Parity) & Foreign Disinvestment; a general consensus, as to how the country has to be governed in future, was reached after a day & 2 nights long closed door meeting.

A press conference was organized after the meeting, presided by the three chief ministers of Big 5, who unanimously supported and passed the resolution while the other two passed out.

In the press conference the Chief Minister of the corruption prone Northern Most Province, Ms. Gaya Haathi said to the media that, "Owing to the veto power vested upon the Big 5 after the recently concluded war with Thailand, a resolution has been passed to make an amendment in the Constitution of India to accommodate a new clause which accords the states with more power than the center. This would mean that the states would hence forth be able to decide their own taxes, laws, religions, languages, dresses, education, foreign affairs, army, investment, mining, etc." Upon being asked by the media as to how the Big 5 planned to achieve it and what all amendments they intended to make, Mr. Modus Supreme, the Chief Minister of Gurjistan replied,"Simple, by changing the description of India in the constitution from the Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic to Federation." To this Mr. New ShortMike, the chief minster of the recently renamed state, the Union of Odra, Utkal, Kalinga & Koshal, added in his broken Odri, a local language which Mr. ShortMike claims that he is still learning,"It might seem pretty easy on the papers but in reality it isn't."

On being inquired about their views the spokesperson of DPA, the party which has been running Government at the Center for a few decades and which had recently come under heavy fire from all quarters for allowing the formation of Big 5 on the lines of the Security Council, refused to comment. The spokesperson of Non Democratic Association, the party in opposition for quite a few decades, which had supported the DPA in its decision, had to say that,"It might seem pretty easy on the papers but in reality it isn't." On the other hand the third largest alliance in the center, the Maoist Front supported by the association of dejected states named Small 15, which had vehemently opposed the centers move to create Big 5, have called for a Nationwide Bandh from 1st April 2012 onwards.
Meanwhile our reporters from the states belonging to Big5 & ASB5, Association of the Supporters of Big 5, have informed us that their has been an atmosphere of festivity ever since it was announced that the states are going to be given more power than the center.

On the other hand violence has erupted in the states belonging to Small 15 & states with the Maoist Front Government. Reports indicate several incidences involving police officers being beaten by the unruly mobs of woman in these states.

A well known social activist group, The Big Brothers, have declared their intention of holding fasts at several venues across the country including some in the states of Big 5 & ASB5. They plan to hold these fasts after offering prayers at the 1000 temples of the Father located all over the country & seeking the blessings of the temple's Chief Deity, The Father of 1000 Temples.

According to the recent reports, Mr. Sugar Power, the Chief Minister of a Big 5 member state, Bombay, & the leader of P.C.N. which recently broke away from the central ruling alliance, DPA, citing personal differences between their leaders, has decided to file a lawsuit against the 3 leaders of Big 5 in the Supreme Court of the nation and is hopeful of being granted an injunction against them and a stay order on their decision, claiming that the decision was taken without his consent while he had passed out.