eSA Weekly Cabinet Report Day 1,666

Day 1,666, 10:42 Published in South Africa South Africa by Seisan

Greetings eSA,

As VP under Stan, one of my duties is to publish a weekly cabinet report to give you all a general idea of what cabinet has been up to this past week.

Words from the President

Week got off to a bumpy start with 3 resignations from cabinet positions in the first few days. This was to be expected from such a diverse multi-party cabinet. Following a slight re-shuffle, we are up and running again.
Negotiations with eBrazil regarding the return of KZN were delayed due to a war between eBrazil and eIndonesia, but are back on track and we have begun the process of declaring NE

I would like to thank all cabinet members for their hard work so far, with special thanks to Dreadnuts the Mighty who stepped up to take over MOS and DOI!, to Wilpanzer1 for his hard work with MoDA and SAWGO, and to Fhaemita Malodorous for the late nights.


TariqTNT agreed to merge SAWNGO with MoDA. It will now be known as SAWGO(with the "Non" removed from the acronym).
This allows us to properly reform MoDA so that it can be functional for the term.
We want to rename "Community Development" or at least change the sub-boards. I believe mentorship is long gone, that's why we can change the boards so that we can add more functions for SAWGO. However, the mentorship won't be completely removed, we are developing a new New Player Program that will aid new players.

We are planning a eSA community awards event.
We're also planning a few party competitions.

Deputy: Heart Throb
Community Development: Dr Deep Dish
Culture: vacant(resigned)
Education: TariqTNT(SAWGO director), dominickE
Information: Brandon
Facebook manager: Dirty Scarlet Silverbeard


- Had a meeting with Brazil about returning the region
- Ambassador program restart


All is quiet on the western front. Getting ready for PP elections and making sure that sanctioned candidates are the winners.

Closing Comments
Follow this link if you would like to sign up as an ambassador for eSA:

We also have an intern program going at the moment. If you would like to get some experience within a certain department, please do sign up:

Remember, we are getting ready to return regions to Brazil, so make sure you have those weapons ready and earn some True Patriot medals! If you need supplies, be sure to request them if you are part of an MU and you can also request supplies from SAWGO:

This will end the Cabinet report for this week. Any questions or comments are welcome.