eRepublik LOLogic Applied Elsewhere

Day 1,910, 10:20 Published in Japan Japan by Boukun Suzaku

I'll begin with Darkest Hour a game with over 100 countries you can choose from to play. I was, unfortunately, born in the United States of America. So according to a certain philosophy that reigns in this game, I can only ever play 'Murica F'K YEAH 😣
But wait, Imperial Japan, Guangxi Clique, Nazi dominated Germany, those countries dont exist anymore... so NO ONE can play those countries ever?

How about something a bit more mainstream?
According to this belief, in the game XCOM Enemy Unknown, I can only place my base in North America, and I should only fight to protect that region. lolwut?

Lets jump to a different genre now.
According to some in eRepublik, Blizzard is wasting its time and its money making both Zerg and Protoss campaigns for Starcraft 2! None of us were born Protoss or Zerg so none of us should be playing those campaigns!!

Hopefully, I doubt it, but hopefully this will finally drill it into some seriously thick skulls, exactly how MORONIC it is to bitch/moan/whine/complain about someone playing/leading a country in this GAME when they don't live in/weren't born in that country in real life.

And last, a message for those that have been reporting my articles: