Episode VII: Return to Hoth

Day 1,700, 19:26 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

America, today, I speak about Canada: America’s Hat. Despite being the best hat America’s had since Lincoln rocked a stove pipe, this happene😛

This is so disgusting, I can’t even express it in words. But I can express our response.

As an officer of Rogue Squadron, we have only one response!

All pilots, lock S-foils in attack position!

Rogue Squadron will liberate the icy planet of Hoth (aka Canada, the Great White North) from imperial tyranny. It is our duty to do nothing less.

We call upon all American patriots to join us in our attack upon these miscreants and tyrants. We must free the poor souls forced to labor in the syrup mines.
We must free the seals.

We. Must. Destroy. Canada.