Effecient Killing

Day 2,472, 05:12 Published in India Argentina by Sher Singh
(Writing this in a hurry so bear with it)

No doubt,everyone wants to make maximum kill during the Kill Rush Tournament. Bazookas seems to be the best way (surprisingly,you can get 55 stock items at 2g !!)

But how gold you could spare for those bazookas? For every 1000 energy,you need 100 bazookas hit. That's 100 kills and 1000000 damage atleast.
Now comes the tricky part -:

When you click on fight,first check the respective strengths .

1) If opp. strength is less that yours and his energy bar is not shown full ,then you can kill him with 20 energy with a q7 wep. No need to use bazooka there.

2) If opp. strength is greater that yours,check his energy level. If its half,again you need 20 energy to kill him. If its a quarter then 10 energy will do. No need to use bazooka here too.

3) BUT,if opp. energy level is full ,then use your bazooka to kill it.

4) Sometimes,opp. is with very little energy(shown in red) . If his he disarmed and with less strength than you,your q1 wep is enough for 10 energy .

Just see,how your opponent is armed. If it is non q7 or bazooka,then you'll lose less energy to kill him.

Keep switching your q7 wep and bazookas to be efficient .

If you are confident in Guerilla warfare -

1) 1 GF = 1 kill ,win or not.
2) You'll win extra damage+rank points and importantly extra ENERGY .

Just keep pushing in GF after every 5 kills . Its a gamble. As for 100 energy you could make 10 kills otherwise. But if you win,then your overhead kills increases.

Remember,your kills aren't going waste. You'll get a nice TC and damage boosters and respective funds would have moved to IAF accounts.

I did 60 kills with 1000 energy using bazooka-q7 wep switch instead of 100 kills. But I used only 11 bazookas (33 otherwise) and 6 q7 wep (which I forced to work as bazooka)