EDEN continua a perdere pezzi (per non smentirsi)

Day 1,925, 05:03 Published in Italy Italy by Atlius DC

Una dimostrazione ennesima di coerenza di EDEN arriva dall'India che ha scelto di entrare in CoT.
EDEN conferma la sua volontà di autodistruzione.

Dear fellow countrymen and people of eIndia and the eWorld,

A couple of days back there was a Referendum in eIndia, a Referendum on joining the Circle of Trust (CoT) Alliance.

The results of the Referendum are here:
61 people voted on this Referendum, 56 (91.8😵 voted to join CoT, 5 (8.2😵 citizens voted No to joining CoT.

From the total voters 2 citizens do not meet the strength and level criteria, 3 citizens held non eIndian citizenship at the time of voting and valid voters accounted for the remaining 56 citizens

The counters undertook a verification process where 52 citizens verified their votes and 9 citizens have not verified as yet

The entire details of the Referendum are available here: CoT Referendum Results

An overwhelming majority have voted for eIndia to join CoT and the results meet the alliance requirement of 66%+1 votes in favour of the Referendum

Next Steps
We have already been talking to the CoT HQ and the various CoT member countries for joining the alliance. The results of the Referendum have been shared with the CoT HQ and we have requested them to include us in the agenda for the next Summit. Needless to say we continue to build stronger ties with the member countries.

I would like to thank alector, Prabal, Rebelash and Hamturk for helping in the verification process of the Referendum. I would also like to thank all the citizens who made a choice and voted.