Economic Enrichment

Day 2,198, 17:14 Published in India USA by India101
In my opinion, our country is economically lacking and needs a stronger tax base.

The current 1% income tax is very low; I feel as if we can easily increase this tax without doing much harm to the economy. Imagine the increase in tax base with a mere 2-3% increase with this tax! We can economically enrich our nation by increasing income taxes to start off with.


I consider myself a relatively LARGE business owner; my assets exceed 100 gold thus I can speak on behalf of the "upper" economic crust. As a large business owner I pay only 21 INR in taxes total. This is very sad in my opinion to see people like me and even richer than me pay less taxes. This is why I am proposing tax hikes. A small tax hike won't hurt the newbies, but it will allow the government to make money off of the large businessmen.

Tax my income class for the motherland.
"A nation is only as strong as it's economy" -India101

7x Congressman
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Former Head of Ambassadors
Former Ambassador to Iran and America
Owner of Hindustani LLC.

PS: I do not wish to criticize current politicians, I just wish to throw in my own two sense as I am quite old. Our nation seems to be heading in a good path so keep it up everyone!