eAlbanian MoFA[Alb/Eng]

Day 2,305, 08:40 Published in Albania Belgium by Frederik Swordsman

Populli eShqiptar,po ju shkruaj me peruljen me te madhe,duke ju lutur maturi e pjekuri ne postimet e fjalet qe thoni ne publik,pasi e demtoni imazhin e eShqiperise te krijuar deri me tani me mund e sakrifice muaj pas muaji.

Gjithcka nisi me mbledhjen e Sirius dhe proSirius,dhe rezultati ishte qe per momentin sdo pranohen rekrutime ne aleancen e pare "Sirius" por u hodh ideja e krijimit te nje aleance te dyte,normal bashkepuntore e Sirius.

Krijimi i asaj aleance eshte nje hipoteze e hedhur,edhe nese krijohet asgje nuk ndryshon,as nga fjalet e HQ te Sirius qe nuk pranohen rekrutime ne aleance per momentin asgje nuk ndryshon per eShqiperine.

Ne do vazhdojme te jemi ato qe kemi qene,nuk duhet te tregohemi inatcore,kryenece,dhe dicka te vogel,qe nuk ka rendesi,ta bejme si ndodhine me te madhe te shekullit.

Ne do te vazhdojme do te vazhdojme te jemi perkrah aleateve tone te perhershem,Bosnje dhe Hercegovine,Brazil,Kili,Kroaci,Gjermani,Indonezi,Itali,Meksike,Turqi,Ukraine,ShBA dhe sigurisht aleateve tone te cilet po shnderrohen edhe ne miqt tane sikur Bullgari,Poloni,Spanje,MB dhe shume vendeve te tjera te cilet po ndertojme marredhenie bashke me aleancen Aurora.

Siguria e eShqiperise,ardhmeria e saj e sigurt esht krah per krah miqve te saj,jo kunder tyre,apo edhe me keq vetem pa to,ne nuk po kerkojme dem,nuk e duam demin sic disa edhe mendojne,dhe kane te drejten e tyre te japin mendimet e tyre te lira,ne kemi krijuar nje miqesi vellazerore me teper vende ketu,kemi miq nga ane e mbare bota,dhe po kenaqemi bashke me to,qe eshte edhe thelbi i nje loje,te kenaqurit.
Prandaj sapo Sirius te funksionoje 100% dhe do te merret me rekrutimin e anetarve te rinj,eShqiperia do te aplikoje ne te.

Gjithcka qe kemi krijuar,kemi ndertuar keto vite,keto muajt e fundit skan qene aspak te lehta,i kemi bere me mund,me sakrifica,me shpirt e zemer,vetem per dicka,per Shqiperi,por te prishesh gjithcka esht teper e lehte,mjafton nje fjale,nje ofendim,dhe gjithcka u prish,por duhet te jemi koshient me faktin qe ajo qe prishet me nuk rregullohet.

Eshte shume e veshtire te kesh nje mik per koke,me teper e veshtire te kesh disa miq te tille,por per te pasur armiq?! Eshte teper e lehte.

Mendoni mire para se te veproni dicka miqte e mi,vellezer e motra,e ardhmja e eShqiperise eshte n e duart dhe ne gojen e te gjitheve ne,pasi te gjithe e bejme eShqiperine,jo vec populli,jo vetem Shteti,por te dy bashke te nderthuru si nje i vetem,duke propozuar,diskutuar,debatuar,argumentuar dhe zgjedhur me te miren per eVendin tone.

Me respekt,njeri prej jush
eAlbanian MoFA

Greetings friends and allies,eAlbania's people!

Everything started after the meeting of Sirius and proSirius,when there was an hypothesize to create another alliance,proSirius of corse.

Albanian people took it as personal,thinking that Sirius doesn't want us in.
Let think together,we had to many wars,who was with us?! Sirius,proSirius and Aurora (I put in proSirius all our allies,friends and brothers)
Turkey,Croatia,Brazil and USA are in Sirius,who are they? Our friends and brothers.We worked hard to sign a MPP with Poland,Spain and UK,why? For damage you think?! No sir,we did it as new possibilities for our eCountry,the possibility to have new friends,new allies,and having fun with more people in here,together.No one is treating us as inferior countires,Sirius HQ has his motive not accepting recruitment right now,and we should respect their choise.

So the Albanian Government wants to declare that eAlbania will continue to stand side by side with their old and new friends,allies and bros,collaborating in too many ways,giving reciprocal respect and support to each other.If the paralel alliance will be created,we will not join,because that will not change our stand proSirius.It is not needed a second alliance proSirius to be created.

There is nothing to make so much noise,our future is with Sirius,proSirius and Aurora,don't forget our allies in there,don't forget what they did for us,and what we did for them too.

Is is to easy to have an enemy,but,to have a friend,to have new friend country, earn somethings...Create something,it is too hard.

Regards,eAlbanian MoFA
