DOI making a PTO?

Day 4,565, 16:52 Published in USA USA by Martin Reichert
Department of Interior To Get Emergency Funding

In a sensible solution to Governmental double dipping, the 149th Congress is in discussions to fund the Department of the Interior. Consolidating the government programs for US Citizens will let the government really take stock on what has been working and what hasn’t. Currently there are several programs that are self-funded by government leadership. Interestingly there has been a debate as to why some of the programs like CRAP were started in the first place.

Pravda does like the help provided to workers young and old, while being a United State Citizen. We applaud the pragmatic outlook on these programs and think more governmental oversight will help move some money to under funded programs. Also this consolidation comes with a one stop shop program to get the needed help instead of trying multiple complicated systems and praying that food or weapons will come.

With a proposed budget around $1.6 million USD this new line item is a keeper.

- MH Reichert