Does Anyone Hear Our Cries?

Day 994, 09:37 Published in Turkey North Macedonia by Aspadora

Does anyone hear our cries? We were here,we are here and we will stay here,but where exactly is here? We want our eMacedonia.It aint fair to be born as a e-turkish citizen when the player in rl is a macedonian. Of course we don't have any complains for how Turkey or the other contries treat us on the opposite they treat us well like brothers,we live,we fight and stand our ground with them. We want our eContry our eMotherland ...

Admins let me ask you something ... Where is the exact real second life you offer on the players at the homepage of the Free Online Multiplayer Strategy Game so called eRepublik? You are asking yourselfs and hardly us why ppl are quiting the game? Hmmm well let me tell you something, one of the achievements is Society Builder (invite 10 people to eRepublik and help them reach lvl 10) ... Are we all suppose to lie our friends to tell them join the game the admins will make eMacedonia in no time .... We are here for one reason remember to have a real second life in our eCountry so don't lie us anymore for both our sakes... Don't make meetings make the eCountries (eMacedonia) !!!