Day 2,742, 08:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Rican


This has got to stop. If we allow this to continue all of our communities will be destroyed.

52 out of 74 eCountrys are dicKtatorships !
That is 70% !
And while the DicKtators are in charge they steal and rape the countries with impunity.
There must be something we can do.

Now this article will probably be deleted and I will probably get forfeit points. I don’t care. In fact I will publish it again. I know Plato wants to make money but this shortsighted method is ridiculous. If you want to publish this article here are the codes on g-doc: http://tinyurl.com/mmn4bcg

Personally, I will write tickets. I will stop buying gold and those ubiquitous Packs. What other ideas do you have? Please comment below.

We must do something together. Speak out!


