Detroit34 stands for re-election in Queensland

Day 1,615, 03:06 Published in Australia Ireland by Detroit34

I was honoured to be elected to the Australian Congress last month and stand for re-election as a Queensland member.

I have had experience as a member of Congress in eUK and eSouth Africa but I found that the eAustralian experience to be more informative and more enjoyable. I participated in the Official eAustralia Forums at and made a number of contributions.

Much to my surprise after nearly three years playing the game I found myself contributing to an eAustralia Forum discussion on VAT & Import Taxes: Weapons which help to give me a better education on the important exonomoic aspects of the game.

I will respond to any problems or queries from the constituency and welcome the views of all electors including those with views I might find uncomfortable.

Like last month, locals have two elections this week. Cast your eRep Congress vote on Anzac Day and your vote in the Council Elections on Saturday.