Decoupling ideas and persons

Day 2,449, 08:56 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Last Woldy's article (
) focus on groups, clubs and the social side of the game.

Whilst this is a social game, this doesn't imply that creating 'elites' or 'ghettos' is the most practical option always.

Politics have a strange property , it requires 'involvement' and 'exposure'. Believe or not, lots of people are shy and, even more weird, some of them have a LIFE, a real life. A game is real life, aswell, actually, nothing exists out of real life - except ethernal life for believers-, a game is a chunk of real life.

Both involvement and exposure are affected by 'inertial' forces. That is, if you are not involved, you need to apply an 'involvement' force for a time to get involved, and the other way round, if you are already involved you'll simply be involved - or more importantly, others will believe you're involved -. Exposure is quite similar.

Like the rest of inertial processes, politics are slow and hard to get in at first, and both involvement and exposure happen little by little.

A long term problem has been the lack of new blood in politics. That is easily explained by the 'inertial theory'. To make it worse, entry levels have been raised by certain groups. How?

In politics world you get involved and exposure by creating 'political products' and policies. Political product is of two kin😛 power and ideas.

Power is being 'in charge' and having a say in something. So whenever you grant a responsibility you are feeding a 'political' being, you are increasing his political inertia. On the other hand, whenever, you deny the access to the cursus honorum ( political career) you are slowing down somebody.

For a long time, many people has been blocked. For many reasons, access have been going round and round in some circles, some have called this elitism. Anyway, power is not the most powerful way of mobilizing the political animal that every e-citizen has. Ideas are.

Power is usually a huge jolt of politics: suddenly, lots of exposure and involvement .

Ideas are, to put it short, available to anyone. Ideas, believe it or not, don't belong to anybody , any group. They are the raw material of politics and they affect anyone. Whenever you propose, discuss, attack any idea you are actually doing politics. That's why ideas are approacheable and excellent for entry level politics.

Aware of the political importance of ideas, many political enemies try to ignore, undermine, ridicule ideas, new ideas, of political adversaries. Actually, a coupling of person and idea happens.

Needless to say that when we have the political field barren of ideas and changes in the power positions, what it's left is a dead and stagnant country.

To remedy all this, we should foster debate on ideas, creating permanent threads, ideally promoted by parliament, -thus switching the role of parliament of passive receivers, to active promoters- , government and forums ( why not). Ideas will stir that small politician within everyone (scary, isn't it ?)

Decouple ideas and persons. Foster ideas, politicians will follow. Change the center of politics from the group to the ideas.

Insisting in the importance of the herd won't make more sheep to join.