December Presidential Cabinet

Day 748, 18:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by AppleMan

Ladies and Gentlemen of Ireland,

Without Further ado I am pleased to announce my December Presidential Cabinet.

Vice President and Minister of Defense: John Jay

John Jay will act as my advisor on all Military matters. As Ireland’s highest ranking Citizen John is a wealth of knowledge for our country. The choice of a Military Officer as VP is no coincidence. I want to use the IDF to its full extent and will rely on John’s expertise as I determine our military path. He will also work with the Chief of Staff to make sure we are an efficient, well supplied military force.

Chief of Staff: 05637716 (Digits)

As many of you know, Digits was one of the brilliant minds behind The Master Plan for the IDF. I had him start work early yesterday and have already seen some impressive work out of his office. Digits is a true leader and I am confident his chosen Command Officers will follow his example.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Darragh O Faolain

Quite simply, Darragh knows the international community better than anyone. I am lucky to have his talent in my Cabinet. We had a minor Foreign Affairs hiccup yesterday (US and UK at it again) so I have already seen that Darragh is the right man for the job. The structure of the MoFA will be changing this term. In the past we have appointed Ambassadors to each country that (usually) write 1 article then forget about the job. This term, Darragh will appoint ‘Envoys’ to groups of countries, designated by their current Alliance.

Minister of Finance: Dubhthaigh

I have worked with Dubhthaigh for 2 terms as co-minister and have come to know him as a reliable worker with a true grasp of Economics, both Domestic and International. Dubhthaigh was a key player in the development of the Master Plan and he will work with the IDF and the other Ministries to ensure our military is fully supplied.

Minister of Industry: Sweet Drinker

Many of you may not know Sweet. He approached me a few weeks ago and volunteered to help out on some projects in the Ministry of Finance. Since then I have seen some great talent from this young, very active player. Sweet was specifically recommended to me by Digits and I am sure he can manage our State Companies well.

Minister of Trade: Pip Kelly

Pip (despite his avatar 😉 ) is a knowledgeable business man with experience in the State companies. As the first Minister of Trade, Pip will ensure that Ireland maintains strong commerce relationships around the world. He will work to bring in the Raw Materials imports for our Manufacturing and Construction sectors as well as establish trade routes for our exports.

Minister of Community: einberliner

Einberliner (or ‘Donut’ to her friends) is a long time Minister for our Community Relations. She was appointed by Patton and we have seen some real growth with her in charge. I look forward to working with her to keep our citizens happy and involved.

Minister of Information: don.squire

Don has worked with the Ministries of Immigration, Foreign Affairs and has served at the Deputy Minister of Information already. He has published many informative articles and has far-reaching sources to keep Ireland well informed.

Minister of Health: edfluff

Edfluff was appointed by Patton to keep the citizens of Ireland in good health and to educate our newest citizens on the basics of healthy living. Healthy citizens are happy citizens and only happy citizens will make our country grow. The wellness of our ‘babies’ is directly linked to our retention and I will rely on Edfluff to help the country grow.

Minister of New Citizens: buddysilver

Buddysilver first applied to be a co-minister for this department but I know he will be a strong leader for our New Citizens. Having worked with some of our most senior Irish citizens, including Michael Collins (if you don’t know him, you will) Buddy has a keen eye for organization, which our MoNC requires. He is always willing and able to work with our citizens to ensure their happiness and longevity.

Minister of Education: Edana Savage

The MoE is an often unappreciated position but as I have held this position myself I know that it is just as important as any other. Many of you know Edana as a knowledgeable, well informed patriot who takes her job seriously. In truth, I can’t say it any better than she did in her application; “I would love the opportunity to complete what I've started there. I think we have a good thing going and the next month will bear some tangible fruit (pun intended) 😉.”

Minister of Immigration: ian arbuckle

Ian was the first citizen to contact me about a Minister position, applying weeks ago. He sees the Ministry of Immigration as vital to Ireland’s security and growth and he was chomping at the bit to get in place and make some real progress for Ireland. Ian has been a true friend and supporter for me and I know he will bring his positive spirit with him to his Cabinet position.

Now, some of you may be disappointed that you did not get an appointment. Keep in mind that you may be contacted soon by a Minister and be offered a Deputy Minister, CO, Envoy or other government position. If you are not, I ask you to please contact a Cabinet member and ask what you can do to help. I cannot stress enough that there is a lot of work to do in this country and we need all the support you can give.

I thank all of the applicants and look forward to working with all of you.

Thank you,

Country President
Citizen of Ireland