David vs Goliath (Explicacion para argentinos / Information for Argentinians)

Day 1,882, 08:26 Published in Chile Chile by Judoka7
Si Argentinos, ustedes tienen mas daño que Chile. Eso no se discute, es cosa de ver el Egov
Yes, we know that argentina has more damage as Chile, we can see that in Egov

Pero este juego no se trata de quien tiene mas daño, es un juego un poco mas complicado, se trata de estrategia, de alianzas, de amigos, es un juego social...
But this game isn't about who do more damage, its a little more complicated, its about strategy, alliances, friends, its a social game...

Por eso, que Chile los haya borrado, tiene aun mas merito, y seria bueno que lo entiendan. Chile, ese pais al que ustedes borraban, humillaban, ese pais que a pesar de haber crecido sigue siendo varias veces menor a Argentina, los ha derrotado...

Because of it, that Chile erased you, has double merit, and it be well that you understand it. Chile, this country which you was many times get wiped, the country who was humiliating, this country that in spite of having grown continues being several times less in damage to Argentina, This country has defeated you...

Bueno, es un juego, y Chile junto con sus aliados lo ha jugado mejor que ustedes, y eso lo tienen que aceptar. Chile gano la Black November War
Well, this is a game, and Chile with theyr allies and friends has played better, and you have to understand that. And finally chille won the Black November War
Entonces, queridos enemigos, es la hora de dejar de llorar y de buscar falsas explicaciones.. porque cuando ustedes se salvaron de ser borrados en el Airstrike Búlgaro, no ganaron solos, ganaron porque EDEN les salvo el pellejo.
And then, our dear enemys, it's time to crying and of looking for false explanations .. because when you were saved of being erased with Bilgarian Airstrike, you didn't win alone, you won because EDEN came to save your ass.

Pero bueno, Argentina no aprende, y quiere seguir con esto.. Enemigo Natural
But, Argentina don't learn, and will continue.. Natural Enemy

Pero como argentina sigue pensando que son los mas fuertes, y siguen solo mirándose el ombligo..
But Argentina continues thinking that they are the strongest and only thinking in himselves...

De que sirve ser tan fuertes, si a la primera, abandonan a sus aliados...Argentina deja EDEN
What about being Stronger, if at the first problem you leave your allies allone...Argentina leaves EDEN

Se están hundiendo, y siguen pensando en el imperio que alguna vez tuvieron.
Argentina, you are sinking, each day deeper, thinking in the Empire you had...

Muchas gracias a todos nuestros amigos, aliados y compatriotas!
Thanks to all our friends, allies and chileans!

Chile no se olvidara nunca de sus amigos!!

Chile will never forget its friends!!

Hail Cot!!
Hail Two!!
Hail Friends!!