CXIII: Going Around

Day 1,516, 15:33 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Music please.

Glee marathons are not my thing. Neither is talking with people I have no intention of talking with about things I don't want to talk about. Yet here I am, attempting to ignore both. I think I'll probably stab my ear drums later. No correlation, I just feel like it.

For some reason.

So Pizza has decided to not endorse me for Party President, and my old friend PigInZen has decided to get in on this action and run himself. Many of you may think that these two actions would stop me running. Many of you may think I might recant and instead endorse either Pierce Vaughn or PigInZen. And many of you would be wrong.

This is the same halfling who ran for Party President six times and only won twice.

This is the same halfling who continued to ask for my Secretary of the Media job back month after month even though I probably wasn't wanted.

This is the same halfling who, after a nine month hiatus, had decided that he hadn't had enough and that he would come back and kick some royal scrabs.

So here's my platform.

Platform of Awesomeness
First thing off the bat: I don't have a cabinet. You see, since there's roughly twenty people running for NCP Party President it's been difficult to get any of them to be a part of my cabinet. They've all been busy with their own. So the first thing I will do as Party President will be to put together a team of crack conservative ghost-busting awesome people to be cabinet members if and if I win this.

And it is a very big "if" at this point.

If you elect me, I can't promise that all of the things that Pizza worked to do to make this party what it is will be intact. I can't promise you that it will be the same New Conservative Party that you've always known and loved. But I can promise you that it will be the New Conservative Party, and I can promise you that our party members will run, and I can promise you it will be one helluva good time to be had.

Picture😛 a good time to be had.

So here's what will happen under my reign.
1. We will have at least the third most people in Congress. That I can promise you.
2. We will remain the New Conservative Party and not anything else. That I can promise you.
3. There will be games. There will be competitions. There will be swag. That I can promise you.
4. There will be respect for this party and its people and hard work they do. That I can't promise you because it will mainly be determinate on how other people view the party and while we can do our best people may still decide to keep their opinions and oh well, we did our best.

Oh well.

So if you're truly invested in this party, if you want something different and something fun, if you want respect in Congress and respect abroad, vote for me. Not that this all matters because you're all going to vote for either Pierce Vaughn or PigInZen either way. The Pizza sponsored or the PTO. And you know what? That's fine. But I'm not here to play games like that.

I'm here to make a party awesome. And if you vote for me tomorrow, I can promise you that that is what you are voting for. And I always deliver.


Here goes nothing.

Stay frosty.