Continued Economic Warfare

Day 1,263, 12:09 Published in Australia USA by SuperKingBobby

Since the time eAustralia was wiped off the map I have been working in eIndonesia in an attempt to disrupt their supply of weapons and injure their economy. I have been working with around 20 health each day in one of their Q5 weapons companies. As of today there are no Q5 weapons companies offering jobs at my skill level (12) until the 3rd page. Overall I believe my attempts at sabotaging their companies is going well, and while I have not forced any companies out, I have forced them to take losses and not offer any more jobs, which hinders the country's ability to make war.
I would encourage all people, especially the lower ranks, who are not able to do much damage in battle to move to eIndonesia and join me in my Economic Warfare Campaign.

For A Free eAustralia
