Congress Updates

Day 1,148, 20:43 Published in Philippines Japan by Myung Kei

Dear Congresspeople/Citizens/President Knoll (Dictator)/Hekter,

This is your friendly neighborhood Speaker of Congress, Myung Kei, keeping you generally informed about the events trudging along in the legislature recently. Of course, things in Congress never are as fun as they seem, and most of the time consist of a few people trying to do things for the country such as determine spending, tax laws, citizenship approvals, presidential oversight, etc.

In short, it does most of the things you could watch on C-SPAN, which only narrowly beats out the paint drying channel.

But in all seriousness, Congress is important, as were all the representatives of the people gather and meet one another to find out what exactly to do, and to better communicate amongst some of the more active citizens. Given ePh's size, a close community of Congresspeople is exactly what we need, along with some laughs every now and then to relive the seriousness of the discussion at hand. Staying active in congress is hard, but the rewards are well worth it.

Okay, now for something crucial, and a criticism that I partially blame myself for, but also congress-members as a whole:

So, ever since the eCreation of the ePhilippines, the country has lacked a formal constitution, mostly because the status quo served so well, and the apathy was pretty intense like in all other small nations who just want to be left alone in the polarized alliance world. Recently, a formal draft of a proposed constitution was presented on the forums here, and everyone on the forums thought that after Hekter's article on the constitution, people would flock to it.

After several days of a open box...exactly how many people voted?

30? Nope
15? Still no (and that is half)


Seriously, 7 people voted on the constitution.

Now, I partially blame myself because I probably should have encouraged some initiative...and I also blame the admins for ruining my ad campaign by taking ads down (*rage😉...but seriously people. On an issue that is one of the largest in recent ePh history, 7 people showed up and bothered to click a button....surely we can at least muster half of Congress to trudge in the mud and dead fish to the forums and at least pretend to be active?

Until the Constitution has been voted on by at least 15 people, I will be sending out mass mailed messages to all Congresspersons every few days to annoy everyone until they finally either: | a) register on the forums, sign up as a congressperson and vote | b) sign up as a congressperson and vote | c) vote | or d) resign or die.

Pretty simple, just show up to vote. 🙂

To clear this up here and now, the forums are located here:

If you are a congressperson and you have not registered, please, just do so will spare me hunting you down and tormenting you with fishbot responses and overly used PACMAN Jokes.

If you are signed up on the forums and do not have a congressperson mask, don't expect Jootli to drop out of the sky and give it to you, there is a sign up sheet here. If you have yet to receive your ops, blame Hekter, it works most of the time.

If you have a friend who would love to join the ePH community, don't forget to make sure they have the "green light" in the citizenship application thread here.

Yes, will the person owning the car with the license plate number 6YT-04G please walk outside the building?

Your lights are flashing.

Hekter has proposed some new committee ideas for Congress , if you would like to contribute don't be afraid to post Here.

Also, Aren Perry has proposed some new tax changes:

And that is it!

One more thing....


-Myung Kei, Speaker of Congress

(The publisher of this article was forced against his will to write it by Hekter)