Congratulations Roby Petric and Thank You To All Of My Supporters!

Day 317, 19:45 Published in USA USA by Daphne Lilac

Dear eUSA,
I want to congratulate Roby Petric on his win of the presidential office! I'm sure that he will be a capable leader for this term and I hope that he keeps his promises of running the government in a fair and accessible way.

I would like to thank everyone that voted for me. I am so grateful and appreciative of the kind words I've received from my supporters in this country. I care about eUSA and and I will be continuing to work to build the Libertarian party back to it's former glory..

This article will be short as I don't have a lot of time today. Today was my son's 8th birthday and I'm a tired mother 🙂.

I would like to make a note about this general election. I think for the most part we candidates fought clean and ran clean campaigns. I would give us a B-. I do have to note that some of our supporters, in all parties, had very ugly things to say and took things too far. I know I'm going to get spammed like crazy for saying this-and I don't care. I just hope in the future when we have another General Election that people will take a step back and remain calm.

With that said I would like to again thank everyone that voted for me. I will be here and I will stay here and I'm going to work to make the Libertarian Party the best it can be.

Daphne Lilac