CIV: The Eagles Network

Day 1,203, 21:28 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Music please.

I seem to be on an ADTR bing as of recently. Huh. Anyways, next issue will be the next continuation of the "Playing the Role" series. I'll be publishing those every 5th article I've decided. Stay tuned and remember to vote, sub and shout.

Media Wars
A long time ago, in WHPR far far away, there was this thing called Media Idol.

4 months ago (which seems like a helluva time ago looking back) when I saw in my third term as Secretary of Media, I wanted to shake American media up a bit. Media Idol was designed to showcase America's top writers, and there was voting and rounds and it was all good fun.

And then the Revolution came. The Revolution changed a lot of things, and in the shuffle of role-playing, Media Idol was lost.

I'd like to bring back the primary concept behind it though. I envisioned the Eagles Network as a group of writers who pledged to shout each other's articles and recommend each other's papers by including paper links in their articles. With shouts capped at 2k, this is an easy way to circumvent that limit, and so I am calling on any writers who are interested to help me with this. I hereby create the Eagles Network, as I once envisioned, and any writer who I know may submit to this. We'll help each other work our media back up to the top.

This'll be part shout squad, part media network. I'll post the links here of those people who are interested, and I expect those in the Network to do the same. This will be an exercise in trust and quality. So let's get to it.

Comment if you're interested.

Stay frosty, writers.