CII: A Simple Offer

Day 1,201, 14:11 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Music please.

This is a serious proposal which I, in my infinite powers of elite control in American society, will follow through with till Admin strike me down.

To iNCi,
I propose a simple bargain. In exchange for you leaving America and never coming back, we will declare Atatürk our national lord and savior. We will revel in his glory, teach our babies about the great man He was, and make sure every true-blooded American knows that it is Atatürk, the Father of the Turks all Mankind, that watches over and takes care of them.

I have the approval of the entire United States government backing me on this. You can trust me. In a week or so, people will be so full of praise with Atatürk they'll be saying "Dio who? /v/akistan what?" Only our supreme and undying love for Atatürk, greatest of all men, will reign in our hearts and minds. We will ban anyone who dares speak ill of him from our forums, and we will declare anyone not in favor of Atatürk, the Manly Rider of Many Great Steeds, to be a traitor to our country.

So long as you GTFO of America.

After all, your devotion to this country is solid, so we must repay you. You must go back to Turkey and bring Atatürkism there with you, so that we may spread this new and glorious religion across all seas of the eWorld. It is your duty, as it is America's, to love this man and his deeds, and if you, all of you, promise to return to Turkey to help us with this, I can personally guarantee the entire support of America for not only you, but Atatürkism.

This is a chance to build something greater than multies, my dear panpas. This is a chance for true glory and remembrance. Join me in this endeavor. Leave our country to spread Atatürkism to the world, and we will always be at your side in our love for Him.

Join me iNCi. Leave America, and we will forever love Atatürk, the Coolest Bro Ever Known to Anyone Ever in the History of Coolness and Life.

Hail USA!
Hail iNCi in Turkey!
Hail Brotherhood!

Stay frosty, panpas.