Chronic all one

Day 1,791, 14:25 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors

Citizenship grants, TODAY: (current to 14:23 Erep time)

1. Hrbr0, formerly a Serbian national, an elite player, a god of war with 3.5 years’ experience working on the Serbian team against the USA was granted citizenship by AFA congressman Vlada 505.

2. Tandana formerly a team –Serbia player, playing for 3.5 years by Vlada505.

3. Optimus 995, a young player formerly on the Serbian team, still a Serbian MU member, by AFA congressman pospana.

4. Credus a Hungarian, 2nd commander of a Hungarian MU, by DOMV from the AFA.

5. Congressman Hope4u also let in an Indonesian player and one formerly Romanian; Maryostyle Romanian by Ceceu.