Candidates for Unity not Persons at all

Day 1,796, 14:05 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors

There is a movement to find a unity candidate. That is a really good idea. Here is what is fundamentally misguided.

You don’t need a person.

The unity candidate should be an idea(s).

Once you have the idea(s) around which you wish to rally, you can choose practically any competent person.

The critical ideas which need to contend against each other are:

1. Do we seek full bonuses, half bonuses or practically no bonuses;
2. Do we continue to pursue CNTL or a different international alignment;
3. Do we stabilize the political situation by outreach to new players and new citizens in their own language or continue the policy of giving priority to “real life” Americans?

The cult of personality is likely to yield worse results than the contest of ideas.

Unfortunately, fear can keep the patient away from the doctor and the needed medicine. Not fear of the doctor, not fear of the medicine, but fear of an externality over which you have little control. The current political strength of the AFA is inducing that kind of fear.

There is real risk. Of that there is no doubt. Reasonable measures must be taken. The most effective measure is clarity in a reasonable justified policy. This is necessary. It is not sufficient.

Choosing a particular person as candidate is neither necessary nor sufficient.

(plugson: the case is Edwards v. AG)