Canada Across the Atlantic

Day 2,250, 07:22 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Canada is now 4-0 in its UK campaign. A start few would have predicted.

The initial attack on Wales is reference point number one as it establishes hostilities. Canada was in control of the battle virtually from beginning to end. Some pushback but nothing unmanageable as our leadership was on guard throughout the first night.

The first RW of Wales represents reference point number two. A RW can have multiple purposes; distraction, cutting trade routes off and of course liberation. The Wales RW was interesting as it should have shown us which tactic our opponents would be employing. Yet, no firm conclusion can be reached. The outcomes of the RW and the ongoing campaign was never in doubt.

The successful acquisition of West Midlands is reference point number three. It marks the first time in this campaign that the UK loses a production bonus. We can also notice from the economy page that Canada's and the UK's intake of tax dollars is very similar with our nation trending upwards. Couple that with the fact that they had a devastating theft recently and it represents an important tactical advantage for Canada. We can now outspend them on an institutional basis (there is tremendous amounts of wealth on an individual level, some of this can easily be verified with influence numbers so far this week in national rankings).

The next reference point will be where Canada decides to attack next. This could potential represent an attempt to secure greater production bonuses. The response from the other side will again gives us a measure of what we are up against.

All this is too easy. I'm worried about what it means at a more meta level and so should you.

Canada declared the UK a natural enemy. Their media is silent. They can't respond in kind as they had just used their NE proposal on Norway. But what about once Norway was eliminated from the map? Their next NE proposal waited until yesterday to materialize and it was against... France.

France who is occupied by giants, whose tax base is minuscule. A France who may have greater population but whose influence figures are similar to Canada's.

You would never guess that the UK is at war by reading their media. Pressure in the main battles and RW has not been sustained. And it is not because they have not been generating influence. Their military output should be enough right now to hold us back. The fights are there but they are being directed elsewhere.

As the alliance paradigm changes, so does priorities. It could very well be that Canada, even with our successes so far, are simply not a priority for the UK. There are other, greater goals, the accomplishing of which warrants the sacrifice of some bonuses short term.

Canada may be benefiting right now from unusually auspicious international maneuverings. We need to keep the foot on the pedal and trust that our elected Executive knows what they are doing and are planning for the days ahead when the tide is ready to turn.

Over confidence now could prove ruinous.