C: Non Sum Qualis Eram

Day 1,199, 20:06 Published in USA USA by Little Old Halfling

Music please.

And they write innumerable books; being too vain and distracted for silence: seeking every one after his own elevation, and dodging his emptiness.

No Rest
Today this game just became a lot less interesting.

Gulden was one of the best players I ever knew. A helluva writer and a congenial guy, he was the classic embodiment of what I consider to be a good Media Mogul.

For a long time I've tried to think about what I would write about with this hundredth article. I've written over 300 hundred articles in this game, but this one has been the hardest. I tried to think of what to write. I suppose when you desire news it eventually comes to you. So

I would like to dedicate to the memory of Gulden Draak. I've always played this game for the people. A few weeks ago Gulden messaged me when I was about to quite, and with one sentence he had me staying. He's been a huge inspiration for me, and I know for many others.

So here's to rage articles, and friends, and not quitting, and quitting, and to all the articles, and to all the FP's, and to all the things that we both hate and enjoy in this wonderful game.

To the most interesting man in the world.

Stay thirsty my friends.