Boost WHOSE Economy?

Day 2,582, 19:07 Published in Australia Australia by JackTrout

I just don't get it... Overproduction is a problem so we are getting charged double for our basic food and weapons. I don't know about you, but I've got my companies cranking and am selling every spare thing I have just to keep up with DO's...

Food prices are up significantly, and only the financially canniest of Division I players is getting along without major struggle, so far as I can tell. You may be thinking that I don't understand the issues-- you're damn right I don't, but I understand not being able to fight because I can't afford weapons!

I don't see who is benefiting from this. Perhaps someone could write an article that gives a decent rationale. And if this is a topside issue, as it certainly appears from my perspective, perhaps next time Division I could be excluded. After all, we are not the big producers, for the most part, just puppies trying to get by until we can play with the big dogs... Please stop kicking us!