Boldog lennél mi?

Day 1,063, 08:59 Published in Hungary Hungary by ADIZS

Dear citizen,

In the last weeks we have made a lot of changes in the game. The majority of them were based on your feedback. So we are wondering... What do you like and what is still missing in eRepublik, today?

Well, we would be very happy if you would share your thoughts with us, trough this quick survey (click on the following link):

Thanks in advance for your valuable opinion,

Your eRepublik Team

Szerény angoltudásom* szerint ha kitöltjük eztet akkor boldogok lesznek. Én hiszek nekik, biztos tényleg örülnének neki. Szóval a válaszom: EGY SZ#RT!

Üdvözlettel ADIZS, Birodalmi derékügyi segédminiszter

* angoltudásom=google translate